Breastfeeding Basics 12 Months +

August 29, 2018

Breastfeeding a toddler or older child

We searched far and wide across the internet to bring you these articles to help make sense of yours and you baby’s first year together.  We hope you enjoy reading them and take the time to check out the websites we collected them from.

Breastfeeding Your Toddler  Everything you ever wanted to know about nursing an older baby or child.

Breastfeeding during pregnancy and tandem nursing

Why Breastfeed your Toddler?

Breastfeeding a toddler by Dr Jack Newman

WHO recommendations on duration of breastfeeding


General Information

Components of Human Milk Ever wonder exactly what your milk is made of?

Medication and Breastfeeding   An informative site for information on the safety of different medications while breastfeeding

What affects the fat content and Calories of Mothers milk?