Online Support

May 6, 2020

As well as being a great source of information, the internet can also be a great place for finding breastfeeding support.   Here are just a few of the many online Irish support options available to you:

Friends of Breastfeeding: Did you really think we wouldn’t be on this list?  Your number one go to spot for all things breastfeeding in Ireland and a great place to keep up to date on everything that’s happening at Friends of Breastfeeding.  Find out what types of support are available in your area  and check out our upcoming events, ongoing projects and how you can get involved!

Cuidiu:  Cuidiú is a voluntary parent-to-parent support group which through ‘information, education and support’ encourages a confident, positive approach to parenting.  Cuidiú have a special interest in support parents to breastfeed, both at a parent to parent level, but also by providing evidenced based information through their breastfeeding counsellors. Breastfeeding counsellors offer their services voluntarily and are available to answer your queries over the phone and may also be able to call to you if you wish.

La Leche League Ireland: The aim of La Leche League Ireland is to help mothers in Ireland to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.

Facebook: The following are just a few “Groups” you may be interested in checking out:

Friends of Breastfeeding:  Yup, we’re everywhere!  And with over 15 000 followers on our social media accounts, it’s a great place to share information and to keep up to date on all of the happenings as they, well, as they happen.

Feeding Two Babies Rocks!  : For Mothers who are nursing while pregnant or feeding two or more babies, this is a great place to chat about the ups and downs of tandem nursing.

Breastfeeding with Tongue Tie in Ireland: A  mother to mother group specifically set up to address the needs of mothers in Ireland who are breastfeeding babies with tongue tie.

Breastfeeders connect
: A great page for general discussions, debates and articles on breastfeeding issues.  Click on the image below to check out their album of breastfeeding art.

Local Groups:  Do you fancy meeting up with mothers in your area?  From Cavan to Wexford, “Breastfeeding Mammies…” groups have sprung up left right and centre over the last few years.  A great oppurtunity to take your online friendships offline!

Breastfeeding Mammies in Carlow

Breastfeeding Mammies in Cavan

Breastfeeding Mammies in Clare

Breastfeeding Mammies in Cork

Breastfeeding Mammies in Donegal

Breastfeeding Mammies in Down

Breastfeeding Mums in Dublin

Breastfeeding Mammies in Galway

Breastfeeding Mammies in Kerry

Breastfeeding Mammies in Kilkenny

Breastfeeding Mammies in Kildare

Breastfeeding Mammies in and around Limerick

Breastfeeding Mammies in Mayo

Breastfeeding Mammies in Meath

Breastfeeding Mammies in Laois

Breastfeeding Mammies in Louth

Breastfeeding Mammies in Sligo

Breastfeeding Mammies in Tipperary

Breastfeeding Mammies in Waterford

Breastfeeding Mammies in Wexford

Breastfeeding Mammies in Westmeath

Breastfeeding Mammies in Wicklow